cutes blog

Monday, December 13, 2010

Aku Suka Cara Ini!!

HHuhuhhu...hari ni rasa mcm nak share something yang aku minat...CARA berpakaian...oops jgn salah paham...aku berminat tapi tak bermakna semua aku pakai..BTW, memandangkan bentuk badan ku yang ala-ala" gebu-gebu manja" ni...mana la layak nak pakai sesuka hati walau pun di hati teringin nak menggayakannya...huhu cakap pasal badan yang gebu-gebu manja ni...aku da berazam untuk mengetatkan jadual diet dam pemakanan aku...InsyaAllah aku akan mula start dengan lebih ketat dan kejam bermula Rabu ini...hahahah btw kenapa RABU???kenapa tak sekarang??? aku sendiri tak boleh nak jawah...kah kah kah!!!

well, berbalik kita pad atajuk kita ni...meh la tengok cara berpakaian mcm mana yang menjadi impian and igauan aku...jommmm!!!

Happy Birthday to Me!!

Happy Birthday to me! Happy Birthday to me! Happy birthday to me! Happy birthday to meeee!!!

kesiannya nyanyi la lagu HAPPY BIRTHDAY sendiri, seriusly this year tak da siapa nyanyi this song to me..i pun da lost count bila last i dengar orn nyanyi lagu ni utk i...i sendiri kat rumah on my birthday 12 Dec 2010... :( ...Farid kerja....duduk tengok cerita korea from 10am to 7.30pm...what a wonderful birthday celebration....hahahha.....that night Farid bawa i pergi makan and give me 3 hadiah...waaaa....THANKS B....

hope this year's Birthday will bring a lots of luck for next year..AMIN....

huh!!! terlalu banyak benda dalam my kepala till i selalu lupa yang i ada blog to maintain...sampai kadang2 benda i sendiri pun i lupa nak buat...and bila ada mood nak tulis pulak....bila taip separuh terus idea hilang...benci betul la...NVM, give me a reast for a while...will get back to you bila idea i da datang balik...tataaa!!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

What you like and dislike about your job??

What do you like about your previous job? Interview question

Even if your previous job was rock bottom, you should not badmouth the job, simply because it would seem as your ‘habit’ to badmouth your previous employer, when you are interacting with your probable future employer.
On the other hand, this does not mean that you should exaggerate the good qualities of the job that you held previously.
This may indicate you are not ready to move on.

In fact, the best way to answer the questions ‘what did you like about your previous job’ is:
“I liked the professional
attitude and the workplace environment that was provided to me. Another thing I liked was the close knit and interpersonal communications that were prevalent between managers and employees. The company also believed in their employees and seemed to really think about my future growth and professional progress.”
You may also tell that “the company constantly asked for feedback to improve job performance and increase bottom line sales [for achieving corporate goals]”
How to answer: What do you dislike about your job?

When asked about aspects that you didn’t like about your previous job, you have to be extra careful, because any negative aspects can be kept in mind and they may even work
against you.
For example, if you say that you did not like the fact that breaks were restricted, , the interviewer may see you as a frequent break-taker rather than a hard worker.

Here is the best ways of answering this question:
“I found that there was no more scope of career growth in the company after reaching a certain level. The company had a stagnant point where they would simply retain employees without continuing to develop their potential in order to move the company forward.”
You may also say your previous company lacked the necessary feedback which would have helped employees perform at a higher level.

sources from:

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Lets study on Human's needs

after so many things happened in my department...where i m going to loose 4 of my good colleague and staff...i mula berfikir and buat kajian...Maslow's theory of need i jadikan asas for me to find a solution...hope ape yang i bakal suggest to my beloved boss akan diterima and also mudah-mudahan keajaiban akan terjadi...InsyaAllah..

kalau tak silap Teori ni telah di perkenalkan oleh Abraham Maslow pada tahun 1943..Kata maslow..manusia ni ada keperluan dan keperluan ni sebenarnya bergantung pada ape yang mereka sudah miliki. Cume keperluan yang belum dipenuhi saja yang akan mempengaruhi tindak tanduk dan perilaku seseorang.Keperluan yang belom di puaskan atau dicapai akan memotivasikan seseorang.

Kata Maslow juga...apabila satu tangga keperluan tu telah dipenuhi maka kemudian keperluan lain akan timbul...

so rasanya setelah mengkaji n memahami setiap stage ni..i rasa i tahu ape yang i ptt suggest to my boss and semoga ni akan beri perubahan yang positif..Good Luck Zeth!!!

LoVe is CinTa...

Love is both an action and a feeling. The action of love generates a blissful feeling called by the same name...according to Keith Tailor there is 5 steps or guide to loving

Say the word " I Love You". When you say it, make sure you really mean it and are willing to do anything for that special person.

Ahmat Farid: I love you.....

Put yourself in someone else's shoes.understand how they feel, where they come from, and who they are.

Love unconditionally...

Expect nothing in return.....Realize that someone may have a different way of showing his or her love.

If you realize that you can lose the one you love, then you have a greater appreciation of what you have. Think how lucky you are to have someone to love...

Let us practice this 5 steps to make our relationship more stronger....Good Luck to uols and also myself..

Galactica Nite 011010 - Masterskill Annual Dinner

011010 Masterskill's annual dinner. sangat menyeronokkan walau pun tak lucky n hanya dapat sandwich maker. kawan2 yang pergi pun memang funky and gila2..ngan tema STAR WARS nya.memang meriah....grand prizenya Proton Pesona n banyak lagi hadiah yang menarik....tahniah la pada yang dapat...

to my good fren dayana, kuna memang meriah la kita punya preparation for 2010 annual dinner...tak lupa to syaida n aida tooo...

huh...bila ingat balik masa annual dinner memang best. tapi bila i pk balik bila sorang2 berhasrat nak meninggalkan office ni..sebak pulak ...entah ape yang boleh aku buat utk wat durang stay?? aku pun tak tahu....da ada team yang bagus tapi ye la kan...masing2 ada haluan n hala tuju all my beloved colleague i will always support you all tak kisah la ape decision korang...friends forever!!!

COME BACK setelah sekian lama

hari ni my colleague Diana show me her blog..then she ask me...zeth u ada blog???terus i teringat pada blog yang da bekurun i tak bukak ni..thank god after beberapa kali mencuba....akhirnya aku berjaya mengingati password ku...heheheh...

entah lah ingatan lately da makin teruk..nak kata banyak makan semut tak juga...entah lah maybe banyak sangat benda yang lebih penting yang aku ingat dalam kepala ni...

huh..really have ni idea and tak tahu ape nak tulis la...cukupla intro utk come back kali ni...c u shortly...