hari ni aku ada training fish philosophy kat opis..mula2 masa dengar tajuk training ni i was wondering, ape yang dia nak wat masa training ni..nak suh tangkap ikan ke ape?haha..tapi bila da masuk training, i m so impressed..and betul jugak we have to make our jobs more enjoyable..kalau kita just think that " work is work" or jobs is just a job" memang la hari2 kita akan jadi Bo O O ring. nak p keja pun malas, nothing interesting in our working time. padahal 8 jam dari masa kita satu hari adalah kat tempat keja n 3/4 masa siang kita di tempat keja..
Actually at the same time masa watch the fish video for this training i feel proud with the Pike Place Fish Guy, macam mana diorang boleh buat macam tu, they enjoyed with their job and make fun of it....it draws in business and it actually helps them acomplish some of their tasks better then if they just slogged through the day...
This fish philosophy menekakan 4 perkara penting to make your life or your working environment more fun and enjoyable...Ape 4 perkara penting tu???
1. PLAY - make your jobs enjoyable and interesting.Play with it
2. BE THERE - going through the motions without really paying attention- We have to keep bingging ourself back to being present..I am HERE now!!!
3.MAKE THEIR DAY - cheer up other people days too.. it seems like If we're feeling down and we deal with someone who's up-beat and friendly, they can absorb some of their energy..
4. CHOOSE YOUR ATTITUDE - attitude is most important..we have to choose our attitude.
I also believe that any job can be boring if you make it boring..macam keja aku sekarang..hari2 hadap benda yang sama..nothing interesting and no fun..i think start from now..i have to be positive and be fun with my jobs not. I have to cheer up my life.huhu...r u right zarith..TRANSFORM your self...
Zarith is Cinta