Hari ni otak rasa x berapa berkembang sebab kerja x banyak sangat..semua da aku settlekan semalam ... haha ye la tu ke sebab da memang nature hari jumaat...walau ada keja pun terasa cam wat2 tak ada??hahahha... besok sabtu yang tak ada perancangan..ahad pun sama...tapi rasa mcm nak duduk rumah saja...wat preparation ape yang ptt...nanti da start class banyak benda yang aku tak dapat buat...enjoy masa yang ada ni....
walaupun demam da kebah tapi batuk ni menyesak kan dada...bebetol buat aku rasa senak la...sampai ke kepala...ubat semua da makan x penah miss and always on time tapi still tak paham kenapa BATUK ni tak nak pergi2...berapa lama dia nak "berkokok" pun aku tak tahu...
Gigi berlubang..
Ni lagi satu masalah aku...gigi berlubang yang tak pernah berani utk aku cabut..memang dari zaman sekolah rendah dulu aku tak suka cabut gigi...masa tu misi2 yang datang nak check gigi tu adalah musuh ketat aku...bukan dulu aje..sekarang pun sama...bila sakit yang x boleh tahan masa tu aku terasa " AKU HARUS SEMANGAT dan BERANI CABUT GIGI..YAAAA AkU BERANI...AKU BARANI" tapi bila Dr bagi aku pain killer and sakit tu beransur hilang sebelum next appointment utk mencabutnya..maka aku pun akan menggilangkan diri tanpa berita...begitula sejak gigi aku berlubang 3 tahun lalu...ADOiiii
huh ni bukan masalah aku aja...tapi ni masalah semua colleague aku jugak...tak paham kenapa la management ni tak nak slow kan air cond kat dept kami ni..aduan da banyak kali dibuat...kasihanilah kami...nak kami jadi "ICE BERG" kah???Tolong la buat sesuatu...seriously x bleh focus mcm ni tau tak....
Sebenarnya JUMAAt... lah alasan2 malas keja hari bukan semua tapi sebahagian daripadanya...hahahha...20mins lagi nak balik...tapi aku masih belum membuat ape2 yang productive utk company utk hari ini...even nak buat job report pun aku malas...mcm mana ni....?? Ni lah penangan JUMAAT....
Building relationships is like fermenting wine; You may crush the grapes with ample efforts and give them enough warmth at the inception, Yet the wine will age at its own leisurely pace. - Vikrant Sawant
Friday, July 24, 2009
Thursday, July 23, 2009
MISSing SomeONE?

Have u ever missed someone and felt terrible because u think that he/she doesn't miss u? Missing someone is a terrible but at the same time,sweet feeling. U will be sitting around wondering if u meant anything to him/her.Thinking if he/she ever cares about u.Rushing to the phone once it rings hoping that it's him/her.Looking out of the window hoping that he/she will surprise u by appearing downstairs. Sitting in front of the television but thinking of him, missing the final episode of your favorite show.
Laying on your bed, thinking of the last time u were out together. Thinking of how nice it will be to sit under the stars again, talking about everything, your dreams, plans, future. Logging on to the internet hoping to see him/her online.When u realise that he/she isn't online and did not return your page,u will start worrying if he/she is okay. Missing someone is a way of growing up i guess. It exposes u to loneliness.It teaches u how to cope with being lonely and let u know that there is actually a feeling known as emptiness. Sometimes it feels good to miss someone. U know that u really care and u indulge in the feeling of loving/caring for him/her..

But missing someone and not knowing if he/she is feeling the same is terrible. U feel as if u are being left alone. So if u miss someone, tell him/her and let them know.At the same time, ask if they miss u.Don't let the feeling of missing someone become jealousy or paranoia. If u are the one being missed and u know it, let the other party know. if u miss him/her too, tell them. Don't let them wait.
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